Thursday, October 14, 2010

Last lecture for the year

Today we had our last lecture for the year and we worked on our wikis for most of the time. I am going to miss coming to this class very much, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. The end of this course is actually the start of a whole new world. I learnt so many new and interesting things about technology, especially the internet. I am extremely greatful for everything that I have learnt from the course facilitator. Blogging and creating a school library wiki was very enjoyable. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, Sandy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My progress

This week we were taught more technical stuff like how to load a video on to your web page and how to create internal links on your wiki. This morning I successfuly added a video on to one of our wiki's pages. I am extremely impressed with my own progress on our wiki and the progress made regarding my computer skills. Although I am much more comfortable with the computer now, I have realized that I had been underestimating myself a little.